The Della Fish Foundation : Charity number 1204680


The Della Fish Foundation Trustees

Linda de Cossart

Linda de Cossart CBE ChM FRCS FAcadMEd

Linda de Cossart is a retired Vascular and General Surgeon and currently active nationally and internationally in teaching and research in PGME. During twenty-two years as a consultant in Vascular and General Surgery at the Countess of Chester NHS Foundation Trust, she had roles as associate postgraduate dean in Merseyside, programme director for surgery, SAC representative, intercollegiate examiner and vice-president of the Royal College of Surgeons of England.  

Linda retired from the NHS after five more years as Director of Medical Education during which time and with Della, she instituted and co-directed an MA in Education for Postgraduate Medical Practice at the University of Chester and was visiting Professor there. She was awarded a CBE in the Queen’s birthday honours for services to medical and healthcare, in 2010. More recently she has been external examiner and teacher to the Masters Modules at Imperial College and Oxford University.

See also
  • Ed4medprac
  • Jane Tomkinson

    Jane Tomkinson OBE

    Jane has 40 years experience in the public service and charitable sectors. As a qualified accountant Jane has worked across a broad variety of local government and NHS organisations and has sat as an Executive Director on Boards since 2003, currently as CEO of the Countess of Chester NHS Foundation Trust.

    Jane has extensive experience of the charitable sector as a trustee on a number of charity Boards. Jane was awarded an OBE in the 2016 Queens New Year Honours and remains committed to furthering the needs of the people through her various roles.
    Tim Anstee

    Tim Anstee

    Tim was Della’s Financial Adviser for 20 years and at Della’s request was fully involved in setting up the Foundation.  Following service in the Royal Marines, Tim has had a career in finance.  In the 1980’s he worked for a Merchant Bank in the City of London and since 2007 has been the Managing Director of The Wealth Care Partnership.  Outside of work he sails dinghies, plays Real Tennis and enjoys walking with his family and dog, Bess.
    Lynne Thorogood

    Lynne Thorogood

    Lynne has worked in the world of education for over 40 years, first as a teacher and head teacher, then in teacher education.  She led the PGCE (initial teacher training) courses first at West London Institute, where she worked closely with Della Fish, then at Brunel University, where she also taught on the MA in Education.   She became Head of Initial Teacher training at the University of Leeds, retiring early from that post to train for ministry in the Church of England and to work with Della and her colleague Linda de Cossart on their Ed4MedPrac courses.  She has continued to work in postgraduate medical education for the past 12 years and has a strong commitment to continuing the pioneering work started by Della and Linda as a trustee of the Della Fish Foundation.
    Michael Irving

    Canon Michael Irving LVO DL

    Michael has lived in Gloucestershire since 1977, having previously worked in the hotel industry in London. For seven years, Michael was an Outward Bound Instructor. Latterly he served on the Board of the Outward-Bound Trust in the UK and also on the Board of Outward Bound International. Michael is an ordained priest and has served in four parishes in Gloucestershire. He was Diocesan Director of Ordinands for six years. He has been an Honorary Canon of Gloucester Cathedral since 1996. Michael was a Deputy Lieutenant of Gloucestershire between 2009 and 2018. He is married to Clare. They have three adult children. Michael was a great friend and spiritual support to Della over more than a decade and particularly during her final illness. He remains active as a priest in Gloucestershire and beyond.
    Sabeena Jameel

    Dr Sabena Jameel BMBS BMedSci M.MedEd DFSRH FRCGP PhD

    Sabena is a practicing family physician in Birmingham, UK and Medical Professionalism lead and Academic Quality Lead at Birmingham University Medical School. She has held various leadership positions in both postgraduate and undergraduate medical education.  She is a former Associate Dean for GP Education (Health Education England).   Sabena holds advisory board positions for Wesleyan,  West Midlands Police, Human Values in Healthcare Forum. She is also a member of the Collaborating Centre for Values Based Practice at St Catherine's college, Oxford.  Sabena co-authored a book called Ethics and the Good Doctor.  This was aligned with her PhD which looked at enacted practical wisdom (Phronesis) in General Practitioners. Sabena is married with three children.
    Nicky Clapton

    Nicki Clapton

    Nicki Clapton has been lucky enough to live in Cranham for over 20 years. She works with her husband who is a local farmer of cattle and sheep. Nicki is chair of governors at Cranham Church of England School and has been a Foundation Governor for many years. She is secretary to the Parochial Church Council and a local Beaver leader. She sings in the village choir and plays trumpet in the village orchestra.  Nicki has collated a register of Della’s large book collection, a file of which is on this website and books are available for reference upon request.